Premium Granulate –
Powder Mixture

  • Stevia and stevia based products are still new in Germany and Europe.
  • The enormous potential your own stevia product or assortment is not yet exhausted. The food and beverage, but also the Personal Care industry are still at the beginning.
  • Pioneers such as first-followers have thus excellent opportunities!
  • We develop and produce the right product for you or assortment.
  • Or even have the right product already complete for you developed here. For your private label, for example.


  • Ideal as a sugar substitute – 1:1.
  • No new recipes needed – everything works as before.
  • But without sugar. Almost no calories. Hardly cause dental plaque (Without caries risk).
  • Simply replace sugar.
  • At tea, the coffee, baking, for cereal or dessert – wherever you have been using granulated sugar.
  • And the taste? – From our granulate you will be surprised!
  • Best order a sample now.

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