Stevia and stevia based products are still new in Germany and Europe.
The enormous potential your own stevia product or assortment is not yet exhausted. The food and beverage, but also the Personal Care industry are still at the beginning.
Pioneers such as first-followers have thus excellent opportunities!
We develop and produce the right product for you or assortment.
Or even have the right product already complete for you developed here. For your private label, for example.
Premium Syrups
For the end-consumers:
Stevia syrup, for example, with honey flavor.
As a bread spread. Or, for cereal.
Also suitable for diabetics and vegans.
For industry:
Ideal for many industrial applications.
For example, as a substitute for glucose syrup
Or for the beverage industry – for example, as cola syrup without masking flavors.
Or in many other applications …
You can make use of our development expertise.
Let us create innovations.
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